It’s been a long time coming, but a PathSnagger update is on the way. I started work on the 10.5/10.6 version (this will likely be version 2.0) and it works in Snow Leopard. The easy bits are done. I’ll focus on the tricky stuff next.
It’s been a long time coming, but a PathSnagger update is on the way. I started work on the 10.5/10.6 version (this will likely be version 2.0) and it works in Snow Leopard. The easy bits are done. I’ll focus on the tricky stuff next.
Yeeeeees Yeeeeees Oh Yeah baby
Thanks, i am keep an eye on your website to know when version 2.0 will be ready 😉
Yippiieh yeih yeah!
That’s good news!
Thanx for your work!!!
Thanks guys. I really admire everyone’s patience. Sorry it’s taken so incredibly long.
Any ETA? This is most exciting news, love your product. Beta test?
-A fan.
Thankyou so much! I’m dying for lack of PathSnagging 🙂
Not sure on ETA. I’m hesitant to give a date, given my track record with this. I don’t want to disappoint. I will say that this is the first time in a very very long time I’ve been able to spend more than about 10 minutes at a time working on it. So progress is much quicker.
@Well Done Sir, I might do a beta, yes. If interested, drop an email to jon AT bergenstreetsoftware DOT com.
Great news! PathSnagger makes a whole lot of things a whole lot easier. Your efforts are much appreciated, looking forward to the new release.
Looking forward to the latest release!
Since getting a new MAC I am really missing my PathSnagger
Thank god!!! Please put it up soon! =)